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Goal 3

Goal Area 3: Culture, Climate and Wellness

  • Continue to promote the use of the district and building DEIB teams to assist in the development of a district diversity vision and action plan; ensure district policies promote inclusion and equity of underrepresented groups.
  • Engage a district committee to study the distribution of services from students with special needs to gifted education paying close attention to the amount of time and resources given to all students including students who are not receiving any specialized services.
  • Advance school spirit through proactively planned activities and experiences; create consistent opportunities to display district pride and to celebrate student and staff accomplishments; intentionally and purposefully infuse community events into the yearly school calendar.
  • Consider the creation of an initiative that focuses on staff morale and the establishment of a "Culture of Appreciation" for all district employees, at all levels. Develop a purposeful method to show staff appreciation on a regular basis and infuse these methods into the everyday life of every building in the district.
  • Continue to promote a culture that prioritizes student and staff social-emotional wellness and development; consider partnering with outside agencies to bring their resources into the district and/or classrooms, these opportunities should include options for both student care and self-care for all staff.
  • Acquire and provide professional development opportunities for teachers and staff to better understand and provide for students with challenging behaviors and obstacles in their lives; create mechanisms for dialogue to more deeply understand the complexities of home life and school life.