Admin. Departments
Canton Local Administration Team
- Superintendent's Office
- Treasurer's Office
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Transportation, Buildings and Grounds
- Special Services / Special Education
- Technology Services
- Career/Technical Education
- Nutrition Services
- Gifted Services
- Communications
Superintendent's Office
Brett Yeagley, Superintendent Canton Local Schools
Administrative Assistant
Candy Vandeborne
330-484-8019 ext 4001
Office Hours
Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:00pm
Summer and non school day - 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Treasurer's Office
Jason Schatzel, Treasurer
Catherine Wertz-Carbenia - Assistant to the Treasurer - Payroll/Benefits
Jan Lyon - Assistant to the Treasurer - Budgetary
Treasurer Office Webpage
Office Hours
Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 pm
Summer & non-school day - 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
The Treasurer serves as the chief financial officer of the District and oversees all financial activities of the District. The Treasurer’s Office is responsible for the preparation of annual budgets, payroll of over 250 full and part-time employees, the collection of receipts and disbursements of funds. The Treasurer’s Office consists of three individuals. Jason Schatzel, Treasurer, started with the District in July 2012 and previously served as Treasurer for the Minerva Local School District. Catherine Wertz-Carbenia started at Canton Local in December 2021, as Assistant to the Treasurer, Payroll and Benefits. Jan Lyon has served as Budgetary Clerk as Assistant to the Treasurer with the District since 2003.
*The Financial Statements of the Canton Local School District for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, are now available for review. If any person is interested in receiving a copy, you may contact Jason Schatzel, Treasurer at (330) 484-8010 or email at
Audited financial statements are available for review at the Ohio Auditors website, https://ohioauditor.
Curriculum and Instruction
Jaimie Brown
Canton Local curriculum, instruction, and assessment decisions are focused on the clear expectation that all Wildcat students will be sufficiently and successfully prepared for college acceptance, career pathways, or workplace readiness. This expectation insists upon providing our students with access to effective leaders, knowledgeable teachers, and high quality instructional materials.
It is my privilege to provide Canton Local principals and teachers with guidance and support toward the continuous improvement of learning outcomes for each and every Wildcat from birth to graduation.
The following Ohio Department of Education links are intended to provide quick access to resources that guide the work of the curriculum department.
Transportation, Buildings and Grounds
Nick Stepanovich, Custodial
Chris Noll, Building & Grounds Maintenance
Bussing / Transportation
Adam Hall, Transportation
Joyce Kirkpatrick, Transportation Supervisor
Mike Marchewka, Head Mechanic
Transportation Services
During the school year: Please direct all busing questions to the Transportation Supervisor Joyce Kirkpatrick, at (330) 484 8006 between the hours of 5:45 - 8:45 a.m. and 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Special Services / Special Education
Special Programs and Services
Victoria Hessey
Director of Special Services
Title IV Coordinator
600 Faircrest St SE, Canton OH 44707
Special Services Staff
Ms. Paige Parsons, Administrative Assistant
Special Services represents a variety of student support programs and services focused on success for all students. The philosophy of the school district provides the foundation for programming and services to our students. Helping students make a good adjustment to school life, bringing families and schools together, and supporting students with individual needs is the focus of our each of our special service programs.
Special Services programs operate in each of the schools within our school district. We provide services to students ranging from age three to age 21. Special services staff members include teachers, aides, counselors, nurses, therapists, psychologists, interpreters, van drivers, administrative assistants, and other specialists. If you have questions about Special Education programs and services, please contact the Student Services Office at 330-484-8022.
Technology Services
Nick Stepanovich
Director of Technology, Integration, and Testing
Technology Services & Resources
The Technology Services department is involved in ‘everything technology’ throughout the district. We maintain email servicing, networking, software and hardware maintenance, user management (passwords, etc) as well as manage electronic communication outlets.
Career/Technical Education
Brian Mohn
Director of Career Technical Education
South Stark Career Academy
Career Technical Education
Career Technical Education programs and services prepare youth and adults for a broad range of careers that require varying levels of education, from high school, apprenticeships and postsecondary certificates to college and university degrees. Many students receive industry certifications or credentials prior to graduation.
Through the South Stark Career Academy, students have the opportunity to attend career technical programs at Canton South, Perry, Sandy Valley, and East Canton. These programs are designed to teach career skills and lead to industry credentials/certification. Students attend CTE programs during their Junior and Senior years. Admission to these programs can be competitive; grades and attendance are considered.
Nutrition Services
Lisa Hookway, Nutrition Services and Wellness Director
The mission of Nutrition Services is to provide healthy meals that promote a lifelong wellness journey for our students and staff by fueling the mind, body, and soul. Exceptional customer service will cultivate a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere in the cafeteria.
Students and staff will continue a lifelong wellness journey that will have a positive impact on our community.
Find us on:
Facebook @CSNutritionserv
Twitter @CSNutritionServ
Instagram @csnutritionserv
Gifted Services
Melissa Kalb
Gifted Services
What Does it Mean to be Gifted?
“Gifted” defines students who perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment and who are identified under division (a), (b), (c), or (d) of section 3324.03 of the Revised Code.
In accordance with House Bill 282, gifted and talented identification procedures are in place in Canton Local Schools for kindergarten through grade 12. Students can be identified as gifted in one or more of the following categories using State of Ohio criteria:
• superior cognitive,
• specific academic (reading, math, science, and/or social studies),
• creative thinking, and visual/performing arts (art, instrumental and vocal music, dance, and drama).
Canton Local students will be academically screened with standardized testing using MAP Growth in grades K-12 as well as CogAT/Iowa grades 2 and 5 using CogAT and/or Iowa. The Ohio Department of Education has said OAA and OGT test scores may not be used to identify students. A student may also be individually referred for testing at any time by teacher, parent, or self-request using the form provided from the link on this page. Visual and performing arts referrals are made by the districts’ arts teachers but can also be made by parents or students as well. These VPA assessments take place on a Saturday at an out-of-district location in the Fall and Spring.
Karen Vrabec
Director of Communications
Cell: 330-484-4009
Facebook: @Cantonlocalschool
Twitter: @CantonLocalSD
Responsibilities include overseeing and directing digital/social media, print communications, and the District website; acting as the liaison for all media channels; providing leadership guidance for community engagement, alumni relations, special projects and events.